Sunday, 21 June 2009

The Feast

Jean Michel Folon. The Feast.

Last Friday the UN reported that world hunger has
reached a record high of one billion people.

One-sixth of the world's population.

"The first time in human history that we have so many
hungry people in the world."

And "a serious risk" to world peace and security, said the
director general of the FAO.

Needless to say the majority are not from the "developed"
countries (the report cites a mere fifteen million).

I get repetitive but no doubt NATO (see below June 10th)
not to say total inanition of the risk, will justify their
scandalous budget and save us from the starving hordes.

1 comment:

Idroj said...

Muy interesante el artículo. El refugio 307 es espectacular, no es muy conocido pero está muy bien preparado. Yo lo descubrí con una ruta de refugios antiaéreos de Barcelona:

Un saludo!!